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The Minor in Writing at the University of Michigan

The Minor in Writing has seen me assess the strengths and weaknesses of a nonprofit organization; produce a mini-documentary about my grandmother; analyze educational statistics with college students in Beijing; immerse myself in the annals of the 1960s' Czech New Wave; and now, write a 20,000(+)-word novella while emulating famous writers and their writing routines. To say it has been a journey would be both a cliché and an understatement; it has been a saga-like adventure that has led me to the discovery of the "Writer" — a crafty man who is many things, but above all, who recognizes the power of words, especially when strung together in such a way that they deserve to be read again and again.


The following ditties make up the meat of my time in the Minor. Indulge, immerse, envelop yourself in the words at your leisure.

The Gateway Course Ditties

Project Novella: "The Kingdom"



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