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About Me


I'm Logan, born and raised in the small but beautiful town of Manistee, in scenic Northern Michigan. I've never considered my name appropriately fitting for a novelist, but that is what I'd love to call myself someday. I've had a penchant for putting words to paper since I was 7 or 8 years old. I would describe myself as a tad eccentric, and rather quiet at times. I love all things vintage, and keep track of a favorite list of words that includes such entries as bamboozle, razzmatazz, and vicissitude. My favorite letter is "v," and that is neither here nor there. If you're not exactly sure what I mean by that, don't worry - I'm not sure either.


I've come to the conclusion that many defining moments occur throughout life, but none of those moments can be used individually to define a person as a whole. I try to avoid putting other people into hypothetical boxes, and in a perfect world, I'd expect the same of other people as they try to define me. But anyway, without any further tangential ado, I invite you to grab whatever beverage may be nearby, sit back, and enjoy reading through my ePortfolio. By all means, take your time and stay awhile!


"A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way he becomes immortal." - Will Bloom, Big Fish

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